About MWM

Learn More About the Brand behind the MWM Gas Engines and CHP Plants

MWM in Latin America

MWM in Latin America

Energy solutions for Latin America with MWM gas engines, CHP plants, and cogeneration power plants for industry-specific applications in the field of distributed energy generation.

The MWM Brand

The MWM Brand

The MWM brand stands for innovative gas engines and CHP plants for distributed energy generation.

MWM History

MWM History

The MWM brand boasts a long, impressive history. The origins of MWM go back more than 150 years and reflect the brand’s ongoing development and innovative drive.

Your Sales and Service Request

Technical Innovations for the Energy Supply of Tomorrow

Contact the MWM Sales Team now

The MWM Sales team is eager to answer any questions you may have about MWM gas engines, cogeneration power plants, service, and spare parts.

Contact MWM Service now

Our competent MWM Service team will help you with your service requests.

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